The City of Dating

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How to Keep Your Date on their Toes…

How to Harness the Power of Music

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Dating is far from the mundane, buts sometimes we need a shock to our systems to keep the excitement going. Keeping a date on their toes gets the blood going. In an area, all parties could benefit…

Building trust and learning from each other are important elements of dating. What better than to do that by doing something they won’t expect… handing over your phone unlocked and ready?

It sounds insane, and for those that hate the thought of even a finger that’s not yours touching your phone, you may spend the rest of this article cringing. Before you throw away the idea altogether… let me explain.

In the event, you go back to your place after, or maybe the date was there, you’re probably playing music. Music that you so carefully chose. It’s the first time you’re exposing your left achilleas. The type of music you listen to, not whatever you told them on the first date.

Choosing music is a stress-inducing task on a date and you shouldn’t have to bear the burden alone. How do you share the weight? By tossing your date, your phone with Spotify open and the screen unlocked. In a world where our lifeline is our phone, nonchalantly giving someone our phone to browse will just about knock them off their feet. 

It’s a power move. And one that will bring you more insight than you think….

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  1. Learn your date’s real taste in music. They’re in shock. You passed the music baton to them… they can’t let it touch the floor, or it’s bad luck. They must queue a song or risk their own music taste. Also, it can help spark an actual music conversation. Not one hat behind with a Hinge prompt. What’s the mood?

  2. It’s a cute Segway to some dancing. If you’re dating a man, I find house music to be their go-to pick. If your date puts it on, it’s an opportunity to get up and dance. It’s a cute movie move and you’re probably already a couple of drinks or smokes in at this point… c’est la vie.

  3. They get to see your playlists. Handing over your Spotify (or Apple Music…) shows them you’re inviting them to learn more about you… in our weird Millennial/Gen Z way. Music is vulnerable and you’re opening to them. They’ll sense that, trust me.

  4. Last, but not least… your forward move will send them on their toes. The date seemed to follow a layout we've been practicing for years. Handing over your phone will get their brain pumping again. You will be more open and elusive simultaneously.

I know this tip sounds crazy, but it works every time. In a twisted way, the atmosphere becomes more comfortable, especially for when it’s their first time over. You’re inviting them further into your world. If you're nervous about your friends’ vulgar texts popping up asking how the dates going, silence your messages before you hand the phone over. 

Use the gift Steve Jobs gave us to your advantage. Technology can do more than show us real-time updates. It can get us laid.

Need some more dating tips? Yes, please! No, give me sex talk!